Saturday, August 16, 2008

Just Peachy!

When Daddy was getting ready to go to the gym he laid a peach out on the table to take with him...who knew there was a "peach napper" in the house! She llllllllllllllllloooooved it and almost finished the whole thing!
Riley and Mallory enjoyed their playdate!
Reading with Riley...
We had so much fun with Trina (friend since Middle School) and her daughter Riley yesterday! It was so nice for the Mommies to catch up and after the girls warmed up they had a great time playing. Mallory loved Riley's jewelery...guess we need to go shopping for some bracelets! :) Hope we can hang out again soon!


The Perreca Family said...

Mallory is the sweetest Peach Napper I've ever seen!! I LOVE her pig tails!!

carrie said...

Hey Sarah. Man, Mallory is seriously freaking adorable! You are so close to the end of your pregohood. I'm so happy that everything is going so well and your little boy is healthy.

Kelley said...

Yes, Sarah, God is good! We were very blessed....

Your "peach" is precious! I was thinking about ya'll this morning... Can't beleive only a month to go until little guy is here!!!