Thursday, October 4, 2007

Such a Trooper!

Our little BooBear is sick...but how fun is it that I can put bows in her hair now!?!?!? :)
Mallory has her first EAR INFECTION......SADness! But she is being such a trooper! She had a cold for a week a bit ago and I took her in the the DR on the 25th and they checked her out and said her ears looked great...then a few days later the cold went away and she had a break for a week and then wham it came back was worse this time though so I brought her back AGAIN (looking like a CRAZY mom...hehehe) today and the ear infection! Poor girl! She loves her bubble gum tasting amoxicillin though, so that's good! Hopefully she will be feeling back to her old self soon! :)

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