Sunday, March 30, 2008

Madame Blueberry

Wanted to write down a few things that Mallory has been doing lately so we won't forget! She loves to curl her tongue like a hot dog bun...she and her dad have the genetic trait..I don't. She does it all the time! She loves to wave at people and say, "Hi!" She had a lot of fun doing that around Harris Teeter as she pushed her cart along. She also had a grand time with us at Welcome today at church greeting people as they entered. She has also learned this weekend how to sign for more of something. It is really cool to see her communicating with us. It's a hard stage because she understands things and knows what she wants, but doesn't have the words to tell us. Mallory also loooooooooves "gog-ies" (doggies) and if she had words we know she would be begging to have one of her own! (We love dogs, but want to wait until our kids are older to get one.) She saw this dog across the room this morning at church and just had to get a snuggle with him. She also is in love with blueberries...hence the title...We love our little girl and she is growing up so fast...we don't want to forget a thing! :)

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