Sunday, February 3, 2008

Daddy Daughter Weekend

Mommy's back! So fun to see Mallory's reaction to my return as she woke up from her nap...

Mike and Mallory had such a great weekend! I was in Williamsburg with the ladies from my church on a retreat... It was the first time I had ever been away from Mallory for 2 nights! I had so much fun hanging out and having lots of "girl time."
There was lots of bonding for Mallory and Daddy over the weekend...Uncle Matt and the cousins came over Fri. to spend the night and then Mallory and Mike enjoyed some time with MiMi and PaPa and some time just the 2 of them!
I was so excited to get home to see them both! Mallory was taking her nap and woke up minutes after I arrived...I ran up to get her from her crib...and she looked at me with a smile of was so fun! :)


Michelle said...

Sarah, Mallory looks so much like your mom is the second picture! Her smile is dead-on for her mi-mi's!

Sarah said...

Too funny Michelle! More and more people have been saying that lately! :)