Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Tues. is usually "sibling day", "chill day," "stay in your pjs if you want day"...we had a lot of fun just hanging together around the house today...

Is it just me or does she look so old in this pic? Where is my chubby toddler!?!?


Carter had fun with his guys and didn't want to stop and smile at the camera...

Our own personal Glockenspiel...whatever will we do without the round and round and round of our little girl once spring comes and the bike is outside?!?!?

Love our slow Tues mornings around here just enjoying being together...

And being with Mags of course!

"Time’s this priceless currency
and only the slow
spend it wise enough to be rich."
Loved this quote and the entry it came from here.

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

Just looking at your Tuesday pictures made me smile- what fun!!