Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2.5 Well Visit

Carter had his 2.5 well visit today (and I germxed his hands like crazy after he touched everything in the joint!) My baby boy is stretching out and losing some of his toddler chub...

Weight: 35 lbs 4 oz (90-95%tile)
Height: 37.5 (75-90%tile)
(Don't have M's to compare bc they didn't do 2.5 well visits back then...but weighing them at MOPS last week they weighed EXACTLY the same...he will soon be the BIGGER little brother)

We are grateful he is a healthy little boy and working on social skills and starting to talk more in the last month...we are going to get his speech eval. on Friday so we will get to see if he needs extra help or just a little more time...

I love these guys so much and often feel like this devo...This parenthood thing is overwhelming and it's just a taste of what God feels for His children...even though we are about to burst at the seams with love for our's hard to think about God loving us more!

Last night Mike and I were watching our fav show Parenthood...and to see all the parents on there and their love for their kids despite what they might do...I was choking up watching Crosby with his Dad last night on the show...after they had already gotten me with this babies are growing up...but they will always be my babies...Just like no matter how old I get I will still be a child in God's eyes...

1 comment:

The Perreca Family said...

Glad Mr. C is growing so well!! Alden now out-weighs Addie- and is quickly closing the height gap, too... Love our little girls and big boys!!