Wednesday, November 4, 2009

First Gift

When I took Mallory to the doctor last week and found out she was sick I was weepy for my little girl. When the doctor told me she couldn't give her tamiflu bc they "can't give it out like water" I was even more stressed for my child. (Thank goodness they gave Carter some as a preventative measure! It was impossible to keep them apart when she was sick...) But in other parts of the world moms are stressed all the time about their child's health and they don't have the things they need: like water. The very thing the doctor used as an example for why they couldn't give my child medicine. Here in America where we have grocery store aisles devoted solely to water- every brand and flavor....I often take for granted all the things I have at my fingertips each day! There are not many times when I can't get my hands on something I need...and I am so grateful...I feel so much for those moms who are living under that kind of stress daily...

There are some people doing amazing things for moms and dads who don't have clean water for their children...check out this site and think about helping out and giving the gift of LIFE for Christmas!!!! :) (You can also go here to buy fun stuff to help too!)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

yay for water4christmas! thanks for the plug!!! :-)