Sunday, June 17, 2007

1st Father's Day!

"Hey I have a secret....
...come close and listen.... Daddy's the best Daddy in the whole wide world! He makes me so happy! He makes me laugh and laugh when I am with him!!!!

What a wonderful day we have had celebrating Daddy Morin! :) We are so blessed by him in our family! He had to try so hard not to do any work today...I told him he wasn't allowed to do anything! Boy was it hard to make him just relax for the day. Especially when it was time for the cookout with the rest of the extended family. But that's something I love so much about him...He really has a servant's heart and genuinely enjoys helping others.

Mallory and I surprised him with breakfast in bed this morning. Then it was off to church. The sermon was good and challenged us to think about our Heavenly Father on Father's Day as well as our Earthly one. What do we think about when we think of God as our Father? It is such a challenge for us as parents...our children will most likely relate how they feel about the Lord with how they feel about us. We have an awesome responsibility to teach our children about the wonder of a powerful God who created everything and yet a God who allows us to call him Daddy (Abba) and go to Him with our deepest cares and who deals with us with compassion and unconditional love.

I am so grateful Mallory has Mike for a Dad. He will love her unconditionally, he will challenge her, he will correct her when she needs it, and he will definitely make her laugh throughout her life. I got myself a "Pa Ingalls" for my kids and I am so blessed. I grew up watching Little House and loving it. I thought Pa was such a good man and devoted father. He loved the Lord and his children with all his might. Mike will be that way with our kids too! I can just see all the deep discussions Mike will have with our little ones as they grow up! And you better bet our kids will be watching some Little House! We already have all 9 seasons on DVD! Excitement! :)


Michelle said...

Hey Sarah! Gotta love Little House on the Prairie! Where did you buy your DVD sets from?


Sarah said...

Sam's Club! :) Do ya'll have that in NC? The DVDs have already gotten a ton of use bc friends are borrowing them to watch with their families...Can't wait for Mal to enjoy them too! :)

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, can Mallory get any cuter???

Courtney said...

oh, we just watched Little House on the Prairie with the kids...rented it from Blockbuster and ended up buying it. It was SO good and Rebekah was COMPLETELY enthralled by it. i checked out another set from the library for our road trip we're leaving on today!